Thursday, February 10, 2011

Low Sec

I like many others think Low Sec isn't broken so much that its a perception issue preventing it from being populated.  A thought I had on this would be to increase the travel through it by making it less risky.  If the gate gun damage was increased by a large amount eliminating small gate camps. It would take many more ships to have a successful gate camp.  A gate camp in Low Sec would be very rare but not impossible. 

If you weren't told "Don't even go to low sec its camped," instead hearing "You can go there but just be careful when you do stuff". People would travel through it with no fear; find a system with no one there and begin PI, mining, or rating as they please.  So it brings people there with little risk to travel from gate to gate but still a large risk to mission or mine bringing the fights to take place in those areas.  It encourages people to play smart and pay attention, a place you cant afk like high sec but can still have fun in for a slightly greater reward.

I think once people are in low sec systems and see how they can access it easier. They will be tempted and get cockier, being active in the space and bringing a small group seems a lot easier without the worry of gate camps.

Another change I think should help encourage more Low Sec activity.  Would be to remove security loss for destroying someones ship, but increase the sec loss for podding someone.  I know for many people the reduction of security status is a strong deterrent.  Especially if you are not making an income through ratting or missioning.  This makes people primarily want to pvp in wormholes and 0.0.

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